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Mound Valley
Trailer & Bed
Big Cabin


  • Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    The Bartlett Co-op Association is a patron owned agriculture cooperative with 7 locations in Southeast Kansas and 1 in NE Oklahoma. We sell a wide variety of products including feed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, and other agricultural products.
    Serving our Patrons With Pride!
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Feed Specials


We offer a variety of feed options for you, no matter what type of operation you run. If you need something custom-mixed for just a season or you want a permanent formula, we can have it mixed up and ready for you. You can either call or come in and order whatever you need. We have experts on hand for you to talk about your needs and what rations will work best for you. 

Custom-mixed rations

  • Textured or pelleted feeds- (pelleted rations need at least a 24-hour notice to prepare)
  • Bagged- we bag it in poly or paper sacks.
  • Bulk- you can bring your portable bins or creep feeders to Bartlett or Edna.
  • Delievered- we deliver at a rate of $5.60 per loaded mile.

Our formulated feeds

We make feeds for all types of livestock. We keep some of both our brown-bag feeds and Opti-Key rations on hand. Additionally, the Bartlett location keeps three bulk feeds in storage for you to pick up at any time.

  • Calf Pusher- a 14% textured ration 
  • Rancher's Delight- a 14% textured ration
  • Calf Creep- a 14% pelleted ration
