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  • Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    The Bartlett Co-op Association is a patron owned agriculture cooperative with 7 locations in Southeast Kansas and 1 in NE Oklahoma. We sell a wide variety of products including feed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, and other agricultural products.
    Serving our Patrons With Pride!
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Dear Bartlett Co-op Patron,

As many of you already know, as of January 1, 2017, The FDA came out with the Veterinarian Feed Directive (VFD).

Dear Bartlett Co-op Patron,

As many of you already know, as of January 1, 2017, The FDA came out with the Veterinarian Feed Directive (VFD).

Here at the Bartlett Co-op, we want to assure you that we can still sell medicated feeds and minerals.
We just have a new method of getting them to you. The enclosed supplemental sheets will explain the drugs that require a VFD and the way to obtain a VFD.

We can still mix custom rations with VFD required medications at the approved levels.

There are only a couple of products that we will not have medicated on the floor any longer. They include Calf Creep 14% C-40 and specific show feeds. All of these feeds have an alternative non-medicated version we will offer.

For Show Feeds: We have removed all VFD required medications, to be able to sell them without a VFD.

For Minerals with Medication: We will keep all 5600 gram/ton of CTC mineral, they will require a VFD to purchase. In addition, Bartlett Co-op will be manufacturing an approved Free Choice CTC mineral for Anaplasmosis at 6000grams/ton.

Stocker Starter AS-700: Will still be available to be fed with a VFD. We are also manufacturing a Stocker Starter Non-Med N/S with a stress reducer called Nature Safe to aid in improved immune function and health.

We are also accepting VFD's on the top dress CTC's.

Medicated milk replacers we currently carry do not require VFD's.

If you have any questions, please call (620) 226-3322

You can have your Vet email the VFD directly to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Upcoming Changes Regarding Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) Drugs

Dear Bartlett Co-op Producer

We are contacting you because you are a potential producer who could utilize one or more animal drug products whose marketing status that changed on January 1, 2017. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken steps to limit the use of antimicrobials that can be used in feed or water for animal use.

As a result of the FDA limiting the use of antimicrobials, many drugs that are currently considered Over the Counter (OTC) will require a VFD effective on January 1, 2017. The Veterinary Feed Directive does not regulate all animal medications; it only affects the enclosed a list of antimicrobials drugs (FDA drug table) and we have also included a list of Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) articles that we carry in stock along with brand names if appropriate. We are still regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the drug level included in the feed ration, indications for use for the product and for allowable drug combinations to be mixed in a feed ration. If any questions on approved use and allowable drug combinations, feel free to stop or call the Bartlett locations so we can answer any questions you may have.

What is a VFD?

A VFD is a written (nonverbal) issued by a licensed veterinarian in the course of the vets professional practice that authorizes the use of a VFD drug or combination VFD drug in or on animal feed or water. The written statement authorizes the producer to obtain and use animal feed containing a VFD drug or combination VFD drug to treat the producer's animals only in accordance with the condition for use approved, conditionally approved or indexed by the FDA. Basically the label is the law, no extra label use will be allowed. If your Veterinary writes a VFD for a specific brand of a VFD drug and places on the VFD stating that we have to use the specific brand of a VFD and we do not carry that specific product we will not be able to fill the VFD order. Your vet can also determine if you will be allowed to use a VFD drug(s) in combination with another VFD drug or an Over the Counter (OTC) medicated article. The VFD order will need to state a combination is allowed.

If you intend to feed an animal feed a feed containing a VFD drug or a combination VFD drug, you must:

  • Provide a copy of the VFD order to the feed distributor if the issuing veterinarian sends the distributor's copy of the VFD through you, the producer.
  • Maintain a copy of the VFD order for a minimum of 2 years; and provide VFD orders for inspection and copying by FDA upon request.

Use of a VFD feed requires professional supervision of a licensed veterinarian (the veterinarian client patient relationship (VCPR) is the basis of professional supervision). Producers must obtain a VFD order from their vet, then send, or take, the VFD order to a feed manufacturer or supplier to get the VFD feed. Producers who also manufacture feed for others should be aware that they are acting as a distributor and additional requirements apply.

Additional information

Steps to obtain a VFD Order

(1)Contact your veterinarian with whom you have a valid VCPR. If a producer does not have a valid VCPR with an appropriate veterinarian, then the preliminary step is to establish a VCPR.

(2)The veterinarian determines whether conditions warrant use of a VFD drug or feed.

(3)If warranted, the veterinarian issues a written and signed VFD order containing information specified by regulations. Verbal orders are not

allowed but electronic orders are acceptable. Incomplete and unsigned orders are invalid and cannot be filled.
(4) The veterinarian retains a copy of the VFD order and gives the completed, signed original and a copy to the client.

(5)         The client keeps the copy and gives the original signed VFD to the feed mill/feed distributor supplying the VFD feed. The VFD order allows the feed to be released to the client.

(6)         Depending on the specific VFD drug, and the conditions outlined by the veterinarian, separate VFD orders may be required for different groups of livestock and, new VFD orders may be required to extend the treatment duration (depends on "refill" specifications).

Basic Producer Responsibilities

Establish a VCPR with an appropriate veterinarian.

Contact your veterinarian for consultation and guidance.

Follow your veterinarian's recommendations. Administer the VFD medicated feed according to the directions on the VFD order.

Keep copies of your VFD orders for at least two years.

Provide your VFD order copies for FDA inspectors to copy and review, if requested.

Main VFD articles that Bartlett Coop carries

Established drug name

Examples of proprietary drug name(s)

Chlortetracycline (CTC)

Any legal VFD feed or mineral.

Chlortetracycline (CTC) Mineral Anaplosmosis Control

Wind and Rain All Season 10 AU 5600 with or without fly control, 2.80g CTC/lb. to feed at the rate of 05mg/pound of bodyweight/day. .25 pounds will treat a 1400 lb. animal

Wind and Rain All Season 7.5 AU 5600 with or without fly control, 2.80g CTC/Ib. to feed at the rate of 05mg/pound of bodyweight/day. .25 pounds will treat a 1400 lb. animal

Chlortetracycline & Sulfamethazine

AS 700 2+2 350mg/hd/day for 28 days to help as an aid in maintenance of weight gains in the presence of respiratory disease such as shipping fever

Stocker Starter AS-700 #5 feed 5 pounds a day to provide 350mg/hd/day both CTC and sulfamethazine. For continuously 28 days. Finished feed is at a rate of 140g/ton

Drugs Transitioning From OTC to VFD Status

Established drug name

Examples of proprietary drug name(s)

chlortetracycline (CTC)

Aureomycin, CLTC, CTC, Chloratet, Chlorachel, ChlorMax, Chlortetracycline, Deracin, Inchlor, Pennchlor, Pfichlor


Aureo S, Aureomix S, Pennchlor S


Aureomix 500, Chlorachel/Pficlor SP, Pennchlor SP, ChiorMax SP



oxytetracycline (OTC)

TM, OXTC, Oxytetracycline, Pennox, Terramycin


Neo-Oxy, Neo-Terramycin


Penicillin, Penicillin G Procaine


Tylan, Tylosin, Tylovet


Tylan Sulfa G, Tylan Plus Sulfa G, Tylosin Plus Sulfamethazine


Stafac, Virginiamycin, V-Max