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Bartlett Edna Oswego Mound Valley Chetopa Trailer & Bed Coffeyville Big Cabin |
620-226-3322 620-922-3320 620-795-2113 620-328-2121 620-236-7232 620-226-3618 620-251-2310 918-848-3202 |
T & B EZ-Haul Hay Trailers
Bale Boss 32' Gooseneck
Bale Boss 36' Gooseneck
Bale Boss 32' Bumper
4017 US HWY 59 N, 67336, Chetopa, United States
Phone: 620-226-3618
Manufactured right in Chetopa, Kansas, we are proud to offer this locally-made truck bed. Click for more details on the Hay Hoss.
The Bartlett Co-op installs two kinds of C5 beds-- the Chisolm Trail Bale Bed and the South Fork Dump Flatbed. Click for more details.