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Mound Valley
Trailer & Bed
Big Cabin


  • Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    The Bartlett Co-op Association is a patron owned agriculture cooperative with 7 locations in Southeast Kansas and 1 in NE Oklahoma. We sell a wide variety of products including feed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, and other agricultural products.
    Serving our Patrons With Pride!
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Bale Beds

At the Trailer and Bed Center we manufacture our own Hay Hoss truck beds and distribute ButlerC5 and Hydra truck beds. With full and timely installation, customizable options, and a variety of choices, we have the right bed for any of your farming and trucking needs. 

Category: Bale Beds
Manufacturer: Bartlett Co-op

4017 US HWY 59 N, 67336, Chetopa, United States

Phone: 620-226-3618

Manufactured right in Chetopa, Kansas, we are proud to offer this locally-made truck bed. Click for more details on the Hay Hoss.

Category: Bale Beds
Manufacturer: C5 Manufacturing

The Bartlett Co-op installs two kinds of C5 beds-- the Chisolm Trail Bale Bed and the South Fork Dump Flatbed. Click for more details.

Category: Bale Beds
Manufacturer: Butler Beds

The Bartlett Co-op sells two types of Butler Beds--the arm and spike beds. Click for more details.

Category: Bale Beds

HydraBed® system equips your 3/4 ton or larger truck for ranch and farm use.  Click for more details.