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    Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    The Bartlett Co-op Association is a patron owned agriculture cooperative with 7 locations in Southeast Kansas and 1 in NE Oklahoma. We sell a wide variety of products including feed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, and other agricultural products.
    Serving our Patrons With Pride!
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Liquid Feed

With Calf & Pasture Cattle

QLF Programs for Cow Calf & Pasture Cattle

The goal of all feeding programs is to match nutrient supply to animal requirements -- at the lowest possible cost. In cow/calf operations that typically means maximizing the utilization of available forages. We offer a full line of beef cow supplements with the flexibility to match any feeding situation. Because these products are frequently fed free choice, the cattle are able to adjust daily intakes in response to the ongoing changes in forage quality, stage of production, and weather. 

QLF liquid supplements offer additional benefits:

  • Increased forage intake and digestion
  • Convenience
  • Economics
  • Palatability
  • Low equipment cost
  • Minimal labor
  • Less feed waste
  • Bioavailable sources of vitamins & minerals

Product Features

  • Louisiana cane molasses and whey base
  • High protein, high energy
  • High sugar content
  • Fortified with vitamins A-D-E, phosphorus, and trace minerals

Product Benefits

  • Enhances digestibility in rumen
  • Improves forage utilization allowing more extensive use of available feedstuffs
  • Supplies readily fermentable sugars for rumen microorganisms
  • Improves dry matter intake
  • "Timed Release" form of protein improves NPN usage
  • Versatile free-chioce lick wheel feeding, force fed in TMR, or top dressed on grain or forage mixes

Available Additives

  • Vitamins A-D-E
  • Trace minerals
  • Organic forms
  • Inorganic forms

Putting NPN to Work for You

The crude protein in QLF supplements is a combination of amino acid protein and non-protein nitrogen (NPN, from urea), designed to effectively meet the nitrogen requirements of the rumen microbes.

QLF liquids optimize urea use

  • A balance of nutrients, including molasses sugars and key minerals, enhances microbial activity. This in turn allows more of the available nitrogen to be converted into microbial cell proteins.
  • Our "Timed ReleaseĀ®" formulas, with the dietary urea bound to phosphoric acid, significantly slow breakdown in the rumen. This helps match the N supplies to the gradual breakdown of the rest of the diet.

Treating Forages Applying QLF directly to forages can enhance the utilization of harvested roughages.

  • Treating Large Round Bales Dispersing liquid supplements throughout a big bale will significantly enhance the nutritional value AND palatability of hay, straw, or stalks. Simply pour on, or probe into, the face of the bale. Application rate is typically 7-10%, by weight.
  • At the bale processor Mounting a tank and pump directly on the processor allows addition of QLF to the hay as it is fed. Additional benefits include dust reduction, and ability to deliver forage and supplement in a single trip.

Economic and/or management considerations sometimes support wintering cows in drylot. Liquid supplements are available to complement a wide range of bunk rations.

FEED ONLY TO RUMINANTS These QLF LIQUID SUPPLEMENT may be mixed with grain or topdressed on the grain, silage, hay or other roughages. Mix with complete grain rations at 5 to 10 percent of the grain ration. In total mixed rations (TMR), thoroughly mix at 3 to 6 percent of total dry matter intake. Consult your QLF Representative for specific mixing recommendations.

Liquid feed may be fed free choice in lick wheel feeders. The following MUST BE OBSERVED:

  • Provide unlimited fresh, clean water. Place lick feeders at least 50 feet away from water supply and away from where animals congregate.
  • Provide adequate available roughage and energy at all times. DO NOT FEED free choice to empty, energy-starved cattle or other hungry livestock.
  • Allow access to loose salt and the appropriate calcium-phosphorus mineral free choice.
  • Never allow lick tank to become empty between fillings. Use Keepfill Book System to maintain adequate supply. Keep tanks at least half full during the winter months.
  • Keep lick feeders in good repair and working condition. Replace or repair damaged parts. Clean lick feeders as needed.
  • Avoid placing lick feeder where excessive heat can build up and moisture contamination can occur inside the tank, causing damage to product and the lick feeder.

Consult with your QLF REPRESENTATIVE or DEALER for specific recommendations. Intake can vary depending on animal body condition, nutritional needs, and forage quality.

Information provided by Quality Liquid Feeds