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Big Cabin


  • Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    The Bartlett Co-op Association is a patron owned agriculture cooperative with 7 locations in Southeast Kansas and 1 in NE Oklahoma. We sell a wide variety of products including feed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, and other agricultural products.
    Serving our Patrons With Pride!
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Propane Prices

Propane is an environmentally friendly choice you can make today. Because propane burns cleaner, works harder, and operates smarter, choosing propane means you can help reduce greenhouse emissions, save energy, and protect the environment.

We offer a variety of solutions to satisfy your propane needs. Our auto fill program gives you the peace of mind that your propane tank will not run dry. Deliveries on the auto fill program start September 1st and run through April 30th, with a truck stopping by to top off your tank approximately once every four weeks during that time. We also offer a prepay program. Deliveries for prepaid propane start September 1st. Please call our Mound Valley, Oswego, Coffeyville, or Big Cabin branch if you would like to sign up for our auto fill program. In addition, if you would like to fill your tank just once, call Mound Valley, Oswego, Coffeyville, or Big Cabin and we will have the propane delivered to you either that day or the next day.


All Internet Pricing is subject to change without notice. Please call for current pricing on all items.