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Mound Valley
Trailer & Bed
Big Cabin


  • Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    Welcome to Bartlett Co-op

    The Bartlett Co-op Association is a patron owned agriculture cooperative with 7 locations in Southeast Kansas and 1 in NE Oklahoma. We sell a wide variety of products including feed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, and other agricultural products.
    Serving our Patrons With Pride!
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The Bartlett Co-op installs two types of hitches-- B&W and Drop 'N Lock hitches.

B&W Turnover Hitch

"B&W quickly recognized a way to remove the inconvenience of a gooseneck ball permanently welded in the bed of a truck.  They designed a gooseneck hitch with the mounting hardware underneath the bed and a ball that turned over and stowed in place.  The Turnoverball Gooseneck Hitch was born.  They didn't know it would revolutionize the industry the way it did, but today nearly every gooseneck manufacturer uses this type of ball storage and mounting system." --quoted from B&W



 Drop 'N Locks

  • Lift, pull, rotate, and replace the ball and wedge from the bed itself. No more under-truck levers to pull or bind up.
  • Drop it and lock it! It’s that simple!

"This exceptional, consumer-friendly hitch has been produced and distributed nationally since 1987. Easily mounted under the truckbed into existing frame holes, DROP ‘N LOCKS contains no hidden bars to pull, no hinges to freeze up, and no springs to break under pressure. These hitches are manufactured to fit the new engineering advances in today’s trucks, yet still accommodating the older models, and proudly maintains a 35,000 lbs Gross Towing Weight rating and a Gross Tongue Weight of 9,000 lbs." --quoted from Drop 'N Locks